The Global Leader in Combination Sewer Cleaners
Since 1967, Aquatech has been a name synonymous with the highest quality sewer cleaning equipment available. Aquatech was the first company to recognize the safety and operational advantages of having the hose reel mounted on the rear rather than the front, and has been the leader in this design for decades.

The World’s Finest Hydro Excavators
X-Vac is a leading manufacturer of hydro excavators, which use water and vacuum technology to safely and reliably excavate underground areas, particularly in challenging environments where there is the concern for preventing damage to underground pipelines and utilities.

Hydro-Jetting Sewer Systems
O’Brien Hydro Jetters are designed and built from the ground up with contractors, industrial site users and municipalities in mind. Units ranging in size from 200 to 700 gallons, flow ratings of 10 to 65 GPM, and pressure ratings of 2000 to 4000 psi mean you’ll easily meet the toughest demands of your projects.

The World Standard for Industrial Vacuum Systems
At Hi-Vac, we take a total package approach to maximize airflow, optimize filtration, minimize pressure losses, and assure flexibility and longevity. The result is a complete line of industrial stationary and portable vacuum systems that set the industry standard for performance and reliability.